A new playlist called “Bass and Vocals Covers” is now available on Simone’s YouTube Channel. If you love funky music and bass groove and you like famous songs cover versions with a different approach this is the playlist for you!
A new playlist called “Bass and Vocals Covers” is now available on Simone’s YouTube Channel. If you love funky music and bass groove and you like famous songs cover versions with a different approach this is the playlist for you!
Simone intervistato da Clemente Scafuro per la testata “Street News” parla di “Not the Last” e dei progetti futuri.
Intervista del 09/04/2021 su “Il Mattino a cura di Massimo Roca
Sabato 28 Novembre e Lunedì 1 dicembre Simone sarà ospite del format MyBand.it a cura di Gianluca di Pietro in onda su Televomero al canale 11 del Digitale Terrestre (Campania) per presentare il suo lavoro e i progetti futuri.
Hello friends, in this video we are going to discover together this wonderful instrument, with an incredibily sound and a remarkable playability. It is an electric bass guitar with a great value for money if we take into consideration the quality of the woods, the finish and above all the electronics, very hot. After “unpacked” […]
Hello bass friends, I finally decided to make some video lessons to offer you my artistic and creative contribution in order to broaden your knowledge and change your approach in the way you look at this magnificent instrument which is the electric bass guitar We often consider it a “second line” instrument. It may be […]
Saturday 11.04.2020 Simone will play at “A-Live Festival”. It is an online streaming Festival and it can be watched from all over the world from the Festival’s Instagram profile. Simone’s time is at 17 (Brazil time).
Un primo giro alla scoperta di questo strumento magnifico, comodo e versatile, con un sound morbido e brillante, perfetto per le slappate più ardue!In questo video metterò questo basso elettrico alla prova con il mio stile funky-riferito e vi parlerò di alcune macro-specifiche da conoscere. Modello: SIRE Marcus Miller V10 5st 2nd Generation (Tobacco Sunburst) […]
Hi to all bass heads! Here is my contribution to the #thevoiceofbass campaign launched by #Orange Amplifiers. In this video I talk about my work as a bass player and songwriter, why I’m using Orange amplifiers and what are my favorite features of these products. My setup is composed of the new #TerrorBass, the OBC […]
Available on YouTube a “Best of Simone Vignola” as present for all my fans!
Venerdì 2 Novembre 2018 Live di presentazione in anteprima del nuovo disco “Naufrago” al Tilt ad Avellino (AV) #Savethedate!
Giovedì 19 Gennaio “Mi sento meglio” sarà tra le novità musicali scelte da Web Radio Vertigo One. Il programma andrà in onda dalle ore 22.00 alle ore 23.00 (in replica Lunedì 23 Gennaio dalle 18.00 alle 19.00). Nei giorni seguenti “Mi sento meglio” verrà inserito in heavy rotation.
New album “SOMEWHERE” out on JULY 14th 2015… SAVE THE DATE!
SIMONE VIGNOLA “LOOP TRIO” Live @ Mattorosso (Montebelluna, TV, Italy) on 10.05.2015… a best of the concert!
Moving Around Myself Single+Remixes out on 18th February 2015 on Black Lemon Records! incl. Togafunk and Housebizcuitz Remixes Check out on AMAZON
Life Is A Video Game Single+Remix out on 24th October 2014 on Black Lemon!
Now announced on Solo Distribution site the collaboration with Orange! Simone is one of the Italian Orange Ambassador!
The new forthcoming Simone Vignola’s album is called “Life Is A Video Game“. 13 tracks moving from rock to funk passing through dance and jazz moods, the CD is completely played by Simone Vignola “Groove Quartet”. Musician featuring this new fresh work are Mirko Nastri (gt), Giovanni Raucci (gt) and Conrrado D’Amato (dr), with a […]